- Water mass exchange between Changjiang Estuary and Subei Coastal water
- Cross‐shelf penetrating fronts: A response of buoyant coastal water to ambient pycnocline undulation
- Detiding measurement on transport of the Changjiang-derived buoyant coastal current
- Dynamics of saltwater intrusion in the Modaomen Waterway of the Pearl River Estuary
- Characteristics of the Changjiang plume and its extension along the Jiangsu Coast
- Impacts of wind stress on saltwater intrusion in the Yangtze Estuary
- Advection scheme with 3rd high-order spatial interpolation at the middle temporal level and its application to saltwater intrusion in the Changjiang Estuary
- Links between saltwater intrusion and subtidal circulation in the Changjiang Estuary: A model-guided study
- Quantitative relationship of runoff and tide to saltwater spilling over from the North Branch in the Changjiang Estuary: A numerical study
- Tidal modulation on the Changjiang River plume in summer